Research Report
Please find the Research Report entitled “Improving Mutual Recognition of European Arrest Warrants for the Purpose of Executing Judgments Rendered Following a Trial at which the Person Concerned Did Not Appear in Person” here.
Case-law Guide
Please find a Guide through the most relevant judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Commission of Human Rights, and the Court of Justice of the European Union here.
Manual for Filling in and Assessing Section (d) of the EAW Form
The research has resulted in a Manual for practitioners (of both, issuing and executing authorities) that guides them through section (d) of the EAW form. It helps not only in filling in section (d), but also in assessing it. Please find the Manual here.
Proposal for E-Learning on In Absentia EAWs
The InAbsentiEAW research group proposes to incorporate the project’s findings in an e-learning course. Find the proposal here.
The research output is based on answers to a comprehensive questionnaire on EAWs issued after in absentia proceedings. Find the questionnaire here.
Country reports
The answers to the questionnaire can be found here:
Background reports
You can find a background report on criminal procedure and general EAW proceedings in Poland here.